Nail Surgery

What is nail surgery?

Nail surgery is required for acute in-growing toenails where conservative treatment will not correct the problem.

When all other methods have been exhausted, or where the condition is so acute that no other alternative is available then nail surgery is recommended.

What is the cost?

The Cost is £350. Although this may seem expensive, this is an up front payment for the operation, and approximately six weeks of aftercare (check ups, dressing packs, and dressing changes).

If you are unfortunate enough to have two nails in growing simultaneously (normally both big toes) we will give a 50% reduction for the second toenail if the procedure can be carried out on the same day, meaning the operation will cost £450.

The Procedure:

The operation consists of a local anaesthetic being administered to numb the toe. The patient will be asked to sign a consent form before treatment is undertaken.

The Podiatrist will remove the offending shoulder of the nail (both if neccesary). Then a chemical is used to destroy the area of the nail bed that is causing the problem. The success rate is very high (97% cure rate), but it should be known that regrowth is possible, even though it is rare.

In extremely rare cases the entire toenail needs to be removed, and the entire nail bed will be destroyed.

Post Surgery:

After the operation it is preferable that the patient does not drive home, so if possible please arrange somebody to collect you from the clinic.

The patient will be given a dressing pack, and instructions on how to tend to the wound. We also provide contact details should you need to contact the podiatrist outside of clinic hours.

It is also preferable to rest for at least two days after the operation. The pateint should try and keep the foot elevated for the majority of that time.

The patient then needs to attend the clinic on a weekly basis, for a check up (to make sure the wound is healing correctly), and a dressing change.

The wound should heal approximately six weeks after the operation. The podiatrist will not discharge the patient until they are completely happy that the wound has healed.

As has already been mentioned, the upfront cost of the operation covers all of the after care, and dressing packs.








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